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  • : christine.dimaria
  • : The blog of Christine DiMaria
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June 21 2011 3 21 /06 /June /2011 13:33

Various methods of calculating your body fat percentage have been formulated. Each method has its inaccuracies. However, there are a few methods which are more accurate than others. This calculation - no matter how it is sought - determines the total amount of body fat and if it is at a healthy level or not.

Calculating with calipers or a body fat scale


One of the most accurate ways to calculate your body fat percentage is by using a pair of measuring calipers. Using about four body measurements of skinfolds and averaging the calculations is the best way to determine your fat percentage.

Body fat scale

A body fat scale is not your average weight test, but a device which sends non-toxic electrical currents through your body. The currents measure the density of your body fat. Ultimately, resulting in an accurate measure of your body fat percentage.

Calculating without calipers

If you do not have calipers or access to a body fat scale, you may still find your body fat percentage, although it may not be as accurate as other methods.

Conduct an accurate weight check

  • Remember or write down this number because you will need it later.

  • Grab a tape measure and measure the girth of your waist, in inches.

  • Make sure you have the tape measure wrapped around the waistline, right below the navel.

  • Multiply your calculations for the girth of your waist by 4.15 and write down the results.

  • Write down the results to multiplying your weight times 0.082.

  • Subtract result number two from result number one and write down this third calculation.

  • From the third result, if you are a woman, you should subtract 76.76. If you are a man, you should subtract 98.42.

  • Divide this fourth number by your body weight and then multiply by 100 to find the percentage. Around 14 to 24 percent is recommended.

Body fat percentage versus BMI

Your body fat percentage differs from your body mass index. However, oftentimes these numbers are thought to be the same. Your body mass index calculates the mass of your entire body. Basically, this calculation is done by a mass calculator which does not take into consideration other factors such as lean mass weight. On the contrary, your body fat percentage only counts body fat rather than lean mass such as your muscles, bones and organs.

Dial Calipers; Tastzirkel; zur Dickenmessung - über Hindernisse hinweschwanger
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