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  • : christine.dimaria
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June 13 2011 1 13 /06 /June /2011 06:04

Though not the most common aesthetic procedure, face lift surgery is a common procedure. Face lifts reduce the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles. Ultimately, this creates the look of face rejuvenation. This may sound appealing and tempting, but is the benefit really worth the risks?

Background onformation


Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a face lift assists with removing deep lines, jowls and even the excess skin hanging from your chin. The surgery starts with an incision in the temple hair. This is right in front of the ear and slightly upward.

The procedure of the surgery

The incision continues around the lobe of the ear and circles the ear prior to revisiting the starting point. The surgeon, then raises the skin outward. At this point, the muscle and connective tissue are tightened and repositioned for the look that was discussed at your consultation.

Removal of fat and skin

In addition to the rearranging and tightening, the surgeon may also remove fat and excess skin. Skin is then sewed up with fine sutures or metal chips. This eliminates the need to shave the area so that the surgery may be discrete.



One of the more common risks of face lift surgery is scarring. Typically, scarring is minimal and decrease over a span of six to 12 months. However, this is not always the case. Certain factors such as age and skin elasticity may increase the likelihood of scar tissue forming.


A hematoma is a deposit of blood that forms outside of a blood vessel. Basically, blood has leaked from the vein, artery or capillary causing a dried blood mass. This causes symptoms such as itching, redness and even pain.

Unexpected end result

In some instances, after the surgery is performed and healing has occurred, you are just not happy with the procedure. An unexpected end result attributes to one of many factors.

This includes unrealistic expectations, unlicensed or not board certified surgeon and complications during surgery, just to name a few. Many are weary of getting the surgery since a face lift costs a great deal of money and results may not be up to their expectations.


Occasionally, an infection occurs because of the surgery. The infection is usually treatable with antibiotics. The symptoms include redness, heat around incision site and sensitivity.

Though rare, the infection called MRSA or methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus may occur during some face lift procedures. This particular staph infection is difficult to treat, but some medications are still effective against it.

surgical team during operation: working on open wo
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