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June 17 2011 5 17 /06 /June /2011 09:00

Leg pain is a common problem, you probably have experienced at one time or another. Sometimes, the leg pain is caused by a joint problem such as arthritis. On the other hand, the pain you experience possibly branches from an issue with the muscles in the leg. These issues are caused by over usage, certain medications and even certain diseases.

Use issues

The main cause of a majority of leg pain issues stems from overuse. Any muscle which works too hard responds with symptoms such as pain, difficulty with movement and cramping. Oftentimes, aching legs include not only muscle pain but pain from ligaments and tendons as well. In some cases, damage is done to the muscle or ligaments causing muscle pain. These muscle injuries can occur due to a fall or even because of over usage.


Certain prescriptions and even some non-prescription drugs possess the potential to cause leg muscle pains. According to MedlinePlus, the illegal drug cocaine causes leg muscle pains. Other the other hand, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors - more commonly known as ACE inhibitors - are a classification of prescription drugs used to lower blood pressure.

These drugs may cause the side effect of leg muscle pains. Ace inhibitors include drugs like lisinopril, fosinopril and ramipril. The cholesterol lowering medication group called statins may cause pains in the muscles. These drugs include the generic drugs simvastatin, rosuvastatin and atorvastatin.

Diseases and other causes

Patients with fibromyalgia experience pain, tenderness and stiffness in the muscles and tendons. The condition is also known to cause fatigue, depression and anxiety. Fibromyalgia does not have a specific cause and does not cause internal inflammation or other internal symptoms.

Even food poisoning has been associated with pain in the muscles. In particular, trichinosis -- a diseased linked to the consumption of uncooked meats. The occurrence of trichinosis in the United States is highly unlikely due to the restrictions placed upon meat packing. A person develops this condition by eating an animal which is infected with the worm. The cysts of trichinella bust open causing a worm to enter into the intestines. Ultimately, this leads to cramping, muscle pain, muscle weakness, fever and abdominal discomfort.

my scarred up legs
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June 6 2011 1 06 /06 /June /2011 08:49

Certain diseases have an interrelationship which may not be obvious, especially when the diseases affect different systems of the body then one another. The correlations amongst different diseases include the use of the same medication to treat the conditions, same causes and the diseases may even cause similar symptoms.

Gall bladder disease

The gall bladder is located above the duodenum or the first section of the small intestines, and below the liver. This sac-like organ's job is to provide bile from the liver. The organ sometimes experiences an infection, inflammation, gallstones or defects.


For instance, cholecystitis is a condition whiere inflammation occurs in the gall bladder. Gallstones build in the ducts of the gall bladder to cause the inflammation of cholecystitis as well as the condition known as cholelithiasis.


Other conditions that affect this organ include gangrene, sclerosing cholangitis, chronic acalculous gall bladder disease, polyps and tumors.

Prostate problems

The prostate is both a member of the reproductive system and the endocrine system. This particular male gland is quite small. In fact, it is equivalent to the size of a walnut and is wrapped around the opening of the bladder.

Enlarged prostate

As a male ages, the prostate increases in size, potentially causing certain health conditions. The most common prostate problem is an enlarged prostate. This just means that the prostate has increased in size. A majority of symptoms associated with this condition deal with problems urinating such as frequent urination or difficulty urinating.

Acute prostatitis

Other conditions of the prostate include acute prostatitis, which is a bacterial infection in the gland and benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate.

High cholesterol

High cholesterol, sometimes referred to as hypercholesterolemia is a condition when the waxy substance known as cholesterol builds up in your blood stream. During this time, your arteries become blocked and your risk of heart attack and stoke increase.


Each of these three conditions are related. For instance, there is an increased chance of developing gall bladder disease, if you have high cholesterol. Gallstones are also caused by a build up of cholesterol in the gall bladder. Your cholesterol and prostate are interrelated as well.

Your low-density lipoprotein level affects your level of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone. The result is an increased risk of prostate problems because of cholesterol. An increased likelihood of developing problems with your cholesterol, prostate and gall bladder all stem from obesity.

ButterAnatomy of the biliary tree, liver and gall bladder | Source | Date 10
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